
Doors. Closing and Opening.

It has been a very long time since the last reflection. Over a year, I believe. I am sending this one on September 21, because it is a day of profound significance for me. Today, a year ago, on September 21, 2021, a conversation happened that drastically and utterly changed the trajectory of my life. Doors. Closing and Opening.

Loving Sadness

I might have just coined a new expression. At least, it is new to me. While I have been living with the actual experience since August of 2017, the words to articulate it are emerging only now. This is when Tobi transitioned, and this is what I am reflecting on now. The expression is Loving Loving Sadness

Winter is Coming

Leaves are falling non-stop, like a magical multi-coloured and multi-shaped rain. The days are also getting shorter, and the air colder. At times, very cold. Given that it is Vancouver, they are also getting quite wet. Winter is coming. Archetypes is a concept that was brought forward in various teachings and traditions (I know, it Winter is Coming

An Ode to a Fluffy Guru

This is the one reflection I never wanted to write. How does one review 14 years of a life with such an incredible being? And yet… I have wanted a dog for a long time, and made sure all my friends knew it. On a fairly regular basis. I also had plenty of reasons (or An Ode to a Fluffy Guru

An Ode to Grief

It all started yesterday, as I was watching the TED talk by Johan Rockstrom. I am in the process of updating and tweaking a course I will be teaching at the School of Inspired Leadership (SOIL) this coming January, heading there for the third year in a row. This two-week course takes the students on An Ode to Grief